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var S = require("/samsara");

A no-op function which takes any input, but does nothing. When used as a Cont, this terminates the continuation passing.

function noop() {}

Listen for only one mousedown event on the DOM element o, when it occurs run the continuation c.

function mousedown(o, c) {
  var handler = function handler(e) {
    o.removeEventListener("mousedown", handler, false);
  o.addEventListener("mousedown", handler, false);

Given a mousemove event e and a mousedown event downE, update the DOM element's position.

function updatePos(e, downE) {
  var x = e.clientX - (downE.offsetX || downE.layerX),
      y = e.clientY - (downE.offsetY || downE.layerY);
  downE.target.style.left = x + "px";
  downE.target.style.top = y + "px";

Listen for mouseup and mousemove events, and on each one run the continuation c.

function register(downE, c) {
  function handler(e) {
    switch (e.type) {
      case "mousemove": c(S.Right(S.Tuple([e, downE]))); break;
      case "mouseup": c(S.Left(S.Tuple([e, handler]))); break;
  window.addEventListener("mouseup", handler, false);
  window.addEventListener("mousemove", handler, false);

Stop listening.

function deregister(e, handler) {
  window.removeEventListener("mouseup", handler, false);
  window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handler, false);
  return e.target;

Specialized implementation of arr from Cont.

var arr = S.arr(S.Cont());

This is the arrow responsible for drag-n-drop behavior. It is roughly analogous to the following imperative-style pseudo-code:

function dragDrop(domObject) {
  var downE = mousedown(domObject);
  while (true) {
    var event = register();
    if (event.type == "mousemove") {
      updatePos(event, downE);
    } else if (event.type == "mouseup") {
  return domObject;
var dragDrop = S.compose
  ( S.Cont(mousedown)
  , S.compose
    ( S.Cont(register)
    , S.fanin
      ( arr(deregister)
      , S.compose(arr(updatePos), S.Cont(noop)))));

var box = document.getElementById("div");

When dragDrop finishes, run it again with the same arguments.

(function recurse() {
  S.runProc(S.compose(dragDrop, recurse), box, noop);